WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Allergen Details

Allergen name: Lat c 1
Allergen source: Major taxonomic group: Animalia Chordata
Order: Perciformes
Species: Lates calcarifer (Barramundi)
NCBI Taxomony ID: 8187
Biochemical name:Beta-parvalbumin
MW(SDS-PAGE):11.5 kDa
Allergenicity:15/18 fish allergic patients' sera had IgE that reacted with recombinant Lac c 1.0201 (produced in E. coli) in ELISA. 13/17 fish allergic patients' sera had IgE that reacted with recombinant Lac c 1.0201 (produced in E. coli) in Western blot.
Allergenicity reference:PubMed:24973736
Route of allergen exposure:Food
Created:2014-11-13 12:00:00
Last Updated:2019-08-29 02:10:41
Submitter Info:
Name:Michael F. Sharp
Institution:James Cook University, Department of Biochemistry
City:Townsville, Australia
Submission Date:2013-05-13


Table of Isoallergens

Click on the arrows to show the details of individual isoallergens, click on +/- to show/hide the details of all isoallergens.

Isoallergen and variants GenBank Nucleotide GenBank Protein UniProt PDB
Lat c 1.0101AY688372 KF021278AAV97933 AHW83198Q5IRB2 
Lat c 1.0201AY626068 AY688373 KF021279AAT45383Q6ITU9