WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Allergen Details

Allergen name: Jug r 2
Allergen source: Major taxonomic group: Plantae Eudikotyledons
Order: Fagales
Species: Juglans regia (English walnut)
NCBI Taxomony ID: 51240
Biochemical name:Vicilin (7S globulin) seed storage protein
Allergenicity:A recombinant GST-fusion protein of full-length Jug r 2.0101 was shown to bind serum IgE from 9 of 15 patients tested
Allergenicity reference:PubMed:10589017
Route of allergen exposure:Food
Created:2003-03-27 12:00:00
Last Updated:2022-06-22 19:03:40
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Posted: 04 Apr 2020

The full length genomic sequence predicts a longer protein XP_018812170 of 95 kDa, and the allergen identified as Jug r 2.0101 starts at AA position 197. Nesbit and Maleki 2019 JACI 143 in an abstract, identified an N-terminal 171 AA portion of that molecule as an IgE binding stable independent protein fragment

Table of Isoallergens

Click on the arrows to show the details of individual isoallergens, click on +/- to show/hide the details of all isoallergens.

Isoallergen and variants GenBank Nucleotide GenBank Protein UniProt PDB
Jug r 2.0101AF066055AAF18269Q9SEW4 
Jug r 2.0101 (1-173)AF066055 (1-519)AAF18269 (1-173)Q9SEW4 (1-173) 
Jug r 2.0102XM_018956626XP_018812171A0A2I4DYF1 
Jug r 2.0102 (27-367) XP_018812171 (27-367)A0A2I4DYF1 (27-367) 
Jug r 2.0102 (368-789) XP_018812171 (368-789)A0A2I4DYF1 (368-789)