WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Search Results: 7

SpeciesAllergenBiochemical nameMW(SDS-PAGE)Route of Allergen ExposureDate CreatedModified Date
Penicillium citrinum
Pen c 3Peroxysomal membrane protein18 kDaAirway2003-08-312019-09-05
Pen c 13Alkaline serine protease33 kDaAirway2003-08-312020-05-14
Pen c 19Heat shock protein P7070 kDaAirway2003-08-312019-09-05
Pen c 22Enolase46 kDaAirway2003-08-312019-09-05
Pen c 24elongation factor 1 beta25 kDaAirway2006-02-262019-09-05
Pen c 30Catalase97 kDaAirway2007-02-082019-09-05
Pen c 32Pectate lyase40 kDaAirway2007-02-182019-09-05