WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Search Results: 6

SpeciesAllergenBiochemical nameMW(SDS-PAGE)Route of Allergen ExposureDate CreatedModified Date
Musa acuminata (Banana)
Mus a 1Profilin15 kDaFood2009-07-162019-08-30
Mus a 2Class 1 chitinase33 kDaFood2008-11-182019-08-30
Mus a 3Non-specific lipid transfer protein type 1 (nsLTP1)9 kDaFood2009-11-302019-08-30
Mus a 4Thaumatin-like protein20 kDaFood2009-11-302019-08-30
Mus a 5Beta-1,3-glucanase30 kDaFood2009-11-272019-08-30
Mus a 6ascorbate peroxidase27 kDaFood2015-08-262019-08-30