WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Search Results: 6

SpeciesAllergenBiochemical nameMW(SDS-PAGE)Route of Allergen ExposureDate CreatedModified Date
Lolium perenne (Rye grass)
Lol p 1Beta-expansin27 kDaAirway2003-02-122019-08-29
Lol p 211 kDaAirway2003-02-122019-08-29
Lol p 311 kDaAirway2003-02-122019-08-29
Lol p 457 kDaAirway2003-02-132019-08-29
Lol p 531 kDaAirway2003-02-132019-08-29
Lol p 11Ole e 1-related protein16 kDaAirway2003-02-172019-08-29