WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee

Financial contributions from IUIS, EAACI, and AAAAI

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Search Results: 11

SpeciesAllergenBiochemical nameMW(SDS-PAGE)Route of Allergen ExposureDate CreatedModified Date
Aedes aegypti (Yellow fever mosquito)
Aed a 1Apyrase68 kDaInjection2003-05-202019-07-22
Aed a 2Salivary odorant binding protein D737 kDaInjection2003-05-202022-09-19
Aed a 3Uncharacterized 30 kDa salivary protein30 kDaInjection2003-05-202022-09-19
Aed a 4alpha-glucosidase67 kDaInjection2016-03-132019-07-20
Aed a 5Sarcoplasmic Calcium binding protein28.5 kDaAirway2015-12-302022-09-19
Aed a 6Porin330.7 kDaAirway2015-12-302019-07-22
Aed a 7Uncharacterized proteinInjection2015-12-302022-09-19
Aed a 8Heat Shock cognate protein-70Injection2015-12-302019-06-28
Aed a 10Tropomyosin32 kDaAirway2015-07-132019-07-20
Aed a 11Lysosomal aspartic proteaseInjection2016-03-022019-06-28
Aed a 12Triosphosphate isomerase23 kDaInjection2022-04-172022-05-08